
March 26: PMI New Brunswick Evening Learning Opportunity

March 26, 2024

7:00 pm ADT

Agile in Crisis. What Scrum Masters can Learn from Project Managers

Virtual Evening Learning Opportunity – March 26, 2024, 7-8 PM Atlantic Daylight Time

Join PMI New Brunswick and Andrew Mitchell, professional Agile Speaker for the following:

Event Details: Agile in Crisis. What Scrum Masters can Learn from Project Managers

What Project Management can bring to Agile
Agile is in crisis and Scrum Masters are to blame. The past decade has seen low interest rates and companies willing to take more risks, but that era is over. Business leaders are now more conservative and seeking greater certainty. Certainty that Project Management strives to achieve. But upfront planning and estimating is anathema for the Scrum Master. Most do not even like to call something a project. So organizations are letting go of Scrum Masters and hiring Project Managers. This is because Project Managers speak the language of business leaders. They talk about cost, scope and schedule. They provide progress reporting that help leaders make decisions. Where does that leave the Scrum Master? The way forward is not just Project Management or not just Agile. The way forward is a pragmatic blend of both that suits each individual organization. Not one framework has all the answers. In this session we will highlight the valuable tools that Scrum Master can learn from Project Managers and what the future of Agile Project Management looks like.

Earn 1 PDU in the Ways of Working area of the Talent Triangle for attending this event

Time: 7-8 PM ADT, Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Location: Virtual

Cost: Free if you register with HPN!


Register now on HPN Communities! (members only)









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